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涂志芳子 上海第二工业大学 经济与管理学院, 上海 201209 
羊英 上海第二工业大学 经济与管理学院, 上海 201209 
基金项目:上海第二工业大学 2018 年课程建设项目资助
中文摘要:生鲜产品因为其保鲜时间较短对配送及时性要求比较高。线上线下 (online to offline business, O2O) 模式下, 交易量的增加提高了配送规划的难度, 生鲜电商要解决的一个重要问题就是商品的物流配送规划。基于距离矩阵摹 乘的网络理论建立了路径优化模型以寻求最短配送路径, 并提出求解算法, 对生鲜产品配送路径进行了优化。最后 通过一个实际案例说明该模型的应用价值。
中文关键词:生鲜产品物流  线上线下模式  物流配送规划  距离矩阵摹乘法
Fresh Product Distribution Route Optimization Based onDistance Matrix Multiplication
Abstract:Fresh products have higher requirements for timely delivery due to their short preservation time. An important issue to be solved by the fresh e-commerce in the online to offline business (O2O) mode is the logistics distribution planning of the goods. The increase in the transaction volume increases the difficulty of the distribution planning. In order to optimize distribution route of fresh products and find the shortest distribution path, the path optimization model was established based on the network theory of distance matrix multiplication and the algorithm was proposed. Finally, a practical case is used to illustrate the application value of the model.
keywords:fresh products logistics  online to offline business mode  logistic distribution planning  distance matrix multiplication
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