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郭耀广 1. 上海第二工业大学 环境与材料工程学院, 上海 201209
刘志远 1. 上海第二工业大学 环境与材料工程学院, 上海 201209
2. 中国水产科学研究院 东海水产研究所, 上海 200090
娄晓祎 2. 中国水产科学研究院 东海水产研究所, 上海 200090
关杰 1. 上海第二工业大学 环境与材料工程学院, 上海 201209
方长玲 2. 中国水产科学研究院 东海水产研究所, 上海 200090
吴根英 3. 丽水市生态环境局龙泉分局, 浙江 龙泉 323700 
基金项目:上海市扬帆计划 (18YF1429900, 19YF1459900), 上海市自然科学基金 (20ZR1421100), 国家自然科学基金 (52070127), 中央公益性科研机构基础研究基金 (2019T13, 2019T14), 上海第二工业大学培育学科 (XXKPY1601), 上海第二工业 大学研究生项目基金 (EGD19YJ0079), 上海市教委重点建设课程项目基金资助
中文摘要:氯化消毒是渔业养殖水体消毒的一种常见工艺, 腐殖酸 (HA) 作为水体中天然有机质 (NOM) 的主要成分, 易与消毒剂反应生成卤代消毒副产物 (H-DBPs)。研究反应时间、有效氯浓度、pH、温度、不同水体等因素对 NaClO 降解 HA 的影响, 并对以 9 种卤乙酸 (HAAs) 为代表的 DBPs 的形成潜力和 HA 在氯化过程中的转化机理进行了探 讨。研究发现: 有效氯的浓度和水温对 HA 的去除和 HAAs 的产量有促进作用。水体 pH 在中性条件时 HA 的降解 率最高, 在碱性条件下 HAAs 的产量最少。海洋养殖水体中 Cl- 、Br- 的存在促成了 Br-DBP 的形成。在 NaClO 消 毒系统中, HA 大分子发生断裂, 被氧化成氯酚类中间产物, 随后氯酚类物质在活性氯的作用下与 Cl-充分结合, 形 成有毒的 HAAs。这对评价养殖水体氯化消毒过程中 HA 的有效降解和 H-DBPs 的生成潜力具有重要意义。
中文关键词:腐殖酸  氯化  消毒副产物  卤乙酸
Transformation of Humic Acid During Chlorination Disinfection Process in Aquaculture Water
Abstract:Chlorination is a common process for disinfection of aquaculture water. As the main component of natural organic matter (NOM), humic acid (HA) can easily react with disinfectants to form halogenated disinfection by-products (H-DBPs). The effects of reaction time, available chlorine concentration, pH, temperature and different types of water on the degradation of HA by NaClO were examined. The formation potential of DBPs represented by haloacetic acids (HAAs), and the conversion mechanism of HA during chlorination process were also discussed. The results indicated that the concentration of available chlorine and water temperature can promote both the removal of HA and the yields of HAAs. The degradation of HA was with the most favorable behavior under neutral pH condition, and the yields of HAAs were the lowest under alkaline condition. The existence of Cl-and Br- in mariculture water leaded to the formation of Br-DBPs. In the NaClO disinfection system, HA macromolecules were broken and oxidized to chlorophenols. Then chlorophenols were combined with Cl- under the action of active chlorine to form toxic HAAs. It's of great significance to evaluate the effective degradation of HA and the generation potential of H-DBPs during the chlorination process in aquaculture water.
keywords:humic acid  chlorination  disinfection by-products  haloacetic acid
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