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王益宇 上海第二工业大学高等教育研究所, 上海201209 
曾令奇 上海第二工业大学高等教育研究所, 上海201209 
中文摘要:大学生在学业生涯中课堂学习、课后作业、考试等各个学习环节最为频繁而强烈体验到的负性情绪是焦 虑。学业焦虑带给大学生很大的困扰, 影响了他们的正常学习及身心健康。运用情绪书写范式来改善学生的焦虑状 态, 在研究中要求被试在连续5 d 的时间里, 记录一件正在令他们在学业方面感到焦虑的事件。一方面让被试记录 当时的各种情绪体验, 使得他们能清晰地识别、表达自己的各种情绪, 使原本内隐的各种情绪得到梳理明晰; 另一方 面让被试对情绪背后的深层原因及如何应对做深入的思考和分析。试图通过情感和认知的共同作用最大化发挥情 感事件记录的功能。研究结果也证明了实验组被试通过对焦虑事件的记录, 学业焦虑状态得到了减缓, 同时他们的 学业控制感得到了提升。
中文关键词:大学生  学业焦虑  情感书写训练
The Psychological Training of Emotional Writing forAcademic Anxiety of University Students
Abstract:University students experience anxiety frequently and intensely in a variety of academic situations such as classroom leaning, assignment after class, exam, etc. Academic anxiety brings great trouble to college students and affects their normal study and physical and psychological health. We use the method of anxious events writing based on emotional disclosure and cognitive processing to alleviate academic anxiety of students. In this study, participants were asked to write about events which were making them anxious in academic over 5 successive days. On the one hand, participants were instructed to write down all their feelings experiences so that they could clearly identify and express their emotions and make the implicit emotions clear. On the other hand, the deep reasons behind the emotions and how to deal with were taken into the deep consedaration and analysis. We try to maximize the function of emotional event recording through the combination of emotion and cognition. The results also prove that the experimental group’s academic anxiety is reduced and their sense of academic control is improved by recording the anxiety events by recording the anxiety events.
keywords:university students  academic anxiety  motional events writing
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