“一带一路” 倡议下高校来华留学生 跨文化交际能力培养模式初探
引用本文:张田田,柳承吟.“一带一路” 倡议下高校来华留学生 跨文化交际能力培养模式初探[J].上海第二工业大学(中文版),2019,(4):309-313
摘要点击次数: 567
全文下载次数: 287
张田田 上海第二工业大学 国际交流学院, 上海 201209 
柳承吟 上海第二工业大学 国际交流学院, 上海 201209 
中文摘要:“一带一路” 倡议给高校来华留学生教育带来了全新的机遇和挑战。在新形势下, 如何提升来华留学生跨文 化交际能力成为来华留学生工作的重中之重。留学生跨文化交际能力培养模式可从高校留学生管理、课程优化设 置、国际汉语教师能力培养和留学生校内外实习基地建设 4 个方面入手, 以期通过该模式实现教学资源的合理配 置, 师资队伍的健康发展、课程内容的优化设置, 从而更好地实现留学生教育的最终目标。
中文关键词:“一带一路”  来华留学生  跨文化交际能力  培养模式
Exploring the Training Mode of Intercultural Communication Ability ofForeign Students in University under the “One Belt, One Road” Strategy
Abstract:The strategy of “One Belt and One Road” has brought entirely new opportunities and challenges to the foreign student education in colleges and universities. Under the new situation, how to improve the intercultural communicative competence of foreign students has become the most important task. This paper attempts to establish a systematic and comprehensive training model of intercultural communication competence for foreign students from four aspects: the management of foreign students in colleges and universities, the optimization of curriculum settings, the cultivation of international Chinese teachers’ ability and the establishment of training bases for foreign students, in order to achieve the rational allocation of teaching resources, the healthy development of teaching staff, the optimal setting of course content so as to better achieve the ultimate goal of foreign students education.
keywords:“One Belt and One Road”  foreign students in university  intercultural communication skills  training mode
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