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李俊毅 上海第二工业大学a. 资源与环境工程学院
王继芬 上海第二工业大学a. 资源与环境工程学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海201209 
谢华清 b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海201209 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51776116, 52176081), 上海科技基金(22010500600) 资助
中文摘要:因太阳能相变蓄热技术节约资源、保护环境, 符合我国目前的能源发展要求, 而受到研究人员的关注。而太阳能具有间歇性、不稳定等特点增加了其利用的难度。通过有限元数值分析方法对套管式相变蓄热器进行模拟, 探究相变材料(phase change materials, PCM) 在太阳能相变蓄热器中的作用。结果表明, 添加膨胀石墨可大幅度提升太阳能蓄热器的蓄放热效率。相比于传统石蜡蓄热, 在入口速度、环境温度等初始条件相同时, 添加质量分数为20%的膨胀石墨的石蜡蓄热时长缩短了91.11%, 起到强化传热的效果。该研究为研制太阳能热水器、高效换热器及建筑节能和其他领域的热能储存等提供重要参考。
中文关键词:相变蓄热  有限元数值分析  膨胀石墨  强化传热
Numerical Simulation of Enhanced Heat Transfer in Cased Solar Phase Change Accumulators
Abstract:The solar phase change heat storage technology is concerned because it can save resources and protect environment, and meet the requirement of energy development in our country. Its intermittent and unstable characteristics increase the difficulty of its utilization. The role of phase change materials (PCM) in solar phase change heat storage is explored by simulating the cased phase change heat storage through finite element numerical analysis method. The results show that the addition of expanded graphite can substantially improve the heat storage and discharge efficiency of solar thermal accumulators. Compared with the conventional paraffin heat storage, the heat storage time of paraffin with 20% mass fraction of expanded graphite is shortened by 91.11% under the same initial conditions of inlet velocity and ambient temperature, which has the effect of enhancing heat transfer. This study provides an important reference for the development of solar water heaters, high-efficiency heat exchangers and thermal energy storage in buildings and other fields.
keywords:phase change heat storage  finite element numerical analysis  expanded graphite  enhanced heat transfer
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