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雷晖 上海第二工业大学 a. 能源与材料学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海 201209 
陈志军 上海第二工业大学 a. 能源与材料学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海 201209 
王学子 上海第二工业大学 a. 能源与材料学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海 201210 
吴官正 上海第二工业大学 a. 能源与材料学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海 201211 
于伟 上海第二工业大学 a. 能源与材料学院
b. 上海先进热功能材料工程技术研究中心, 上海 201212 
中文摘要:太阳能作为一种可再生能源, 因其在解决日益增长的能源需求和温室气体排放方面的巨大潜力受到越来越多的关注。然而, 太阳自身的间歇性和随机性大大限制了太阳能的转换和储存效率。近年来, 基于固-液相变储能 材料的潜热储存系统, 由于具有高储热密度和出色的化学稳定性, 有望成为提高太阳能吸收和转换的合适方法。但固-液相变储能材料在实际应用中常受到自身相分离、换热速率低、过冷、熔融状态泄漏、性能不稳定等限制。其 中一种解决方法是将多孔载体与固-液相变储能材料相结合来制备多孔定型相变储能材料。介绍了相变储能材料的储能机理和传热强化机理, 系统分析了多孔载体材料的种类、制备方法对多孔定型相变储能材料的影响及其潜 在应用。
中文关键词:太阳能  潜热储存  多孔载体  定型相变储能材料  相变
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Porous Shaped PhaseChange Energy Storage Materials
Abstract:As a renewable energy source, solar energy has attracted more and more attention because of its growing energy demand and the huge potential of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the intermittent and stochastic nature of the solar itself limited the conversion and storage efficiency of solar energy. In recent years, the latent heat storage system based on solid-liquid phase change energy storage materials has expected to become a suitable way to improve solar absorption and conversion due to high-storage density and excellent chemical stability. Nevertheless, the solid-liquid phase change energy storage materials are often limited in practical applications by their own phase separation, low heat transfer rates, subcooling, leakage in the molten state and unstable properties. One of the solutions is to combine porous carriers with solid-liquid phase change energy storage materials to produce porous fixed phase change energy storage materials. An introduction is provided to the energy storage mechanism and heat transfer enhancement mechanism of phase change energy storage materials. The effects of porous carrier materials types, preparation methods on the porous shaped phase change energy storage materials, and its potential applications are systematically analyzed.
keywords:solar energy  latent heat storage  porous carriers  shaped phase change energy storage materials  phase change
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