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唐红侠 上海市固体废物与化学品管理技术中心, 上海200235 
中文摘要:针对现有保有量废弃电器电子产品(waste electrical and electronic equipment, WEEE) 预测模型的不足, 给出了基于中等区域尺度下考虑梯次利用影响的WEEE 预测模型, 预测模型中家用电器电子产品(electrical and electronic equipment, EEE) 的废弃规律采用Weilbull 分布函数并按照实际修正, 使得预测结果更加贴合实际。开展上海市“四机一脑” 废弃量实证分析, 采用现有模型验证, 结果表明该WEEE 预测模型可较好地预测中等区域尺度 下WEEE 的废弃量, 为WEEE 后续管理提供科学依据。
中文关键词:废弃电器电子产品  中等尺度  梯次利用  预测模型
Research and Case Analysis on a Model for Predicting the Household WEEE on a Medium Regional Scale
Abstract:According to the issues of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) prediction models of population retention, a WEEE prediction model based on considering the impact of cascade utilization at a medium regional scale is proposed. The discard rule of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in the prediction model adopts the Weibull distribution function and is modified according to the actual situation, making the prediction results more realistic. Empirical analysis of the WEEE in Shanghai, validated by the model, shows that the proposed WEEE prediction model can effectively predict WEEE quantities on medium scale. Results provide scientific basis for subsequent management of WEEE.
keywords:waste electrical and electronic equipment  on medium scale  cascade utilization  prediction model
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