民族预科高等数学线上教学模式探索 |
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引用本文:杨军,常越亚.民族预科高等数学线上教学模式探索[J].上海第二工业大学(中文版),2024,41(2):223-226 |
摘要点击次数: 486 |
全文下载次数: 120 |
基金项目:2020 年上海市青年教师培养资助计划项目(ZZEGD20005) 资助 |
中文摘要:随着教育信息化水平不断发展创新, 以及突发公共卫生事件给高校线下教学工作带来的挑战, 近年来师生对传统教学和线上教学2 种模式有了一定认知, 混合式教学成为各大高校中比较常见的教学模式。少数民族预科教育作为我国高等教育的特殊办学形式和重要教育扶贫措施, 在推进教育脱贫攻坚, 维护民族团结, 培养民族人才方面发挥了积极作用。以少数民族预科生高等数学线上教学为研究对象, 分析了预科高等数学线上教学面临的困难,强调要以学生为中心, 重视线上教学设计的基础理论、工具和方法, 从学生学习需求、教学平台选择、教学策略选择、教学反思等方面入手, 探索符合民族预科高等数学线上教学的模式。 |
中文关键词:少数民族预科生 高等数学 教学平台 线上教学 教学策略 教学反思 |
Exploration on Online Teaching Mode of Higher Mathematics in Minority Preparatory College Students |
Abstract:With the continuous innovation of educational informatization and the challenges brought by sudden public health incidents to offline teaching work in universities, teachers and students have a certain understanding on the two modes of traditional teaching and online teaching and the hybrid teaching has become a common teaching mode in major universities. Minority preparatory education,
as a special form of higher education and an important educational poverty alleviation measure, has played a positive role in promoting poverty alleviation in education, maintaining national unity and training national talents. In this paper, we take the online teaching of higher mathematics for minority preparatory students as the research object, analyze the difficulties in online teaching of preparatory higher mathematics, emphasize the student-centered status and pay attention to the basic theories, tools and methods of online instructional design. We also explore the online teaching mode of higher mathematics for minority preparatory students from the aspects of students’ learning needs, teaching platform selection, teaching strategy selection and teaching reflection. |
keywords:national minority preparatory college students higher mathematics teaching platform online teaching teaching strategies teaching reflection |
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