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赵凯锐 上海第二工业大学经济与管理学院, 上海201209 
羊英 上海第二工业大学经济与管理学院, 上海201209 
基金项目:2022 年上海市一流本科课程建设项目, 2019 年教育部产学合作协同育人项目资助
中文摘要:短视频平台应用各类推荐方法给用户推送“感兴趣” 的内容, 以增加用户黏性。但用户逐渐意识到被推荐的内容趋于单一化、同质化、缺乏新颖性, 用户被困于信息茧房而产生心理抗拒。以典型短视频平台为例, 对其推荐方法及用户体验进行调查, 分析用户产生心理抗拒的原因, 发现平台推荐方法现存的问题。添加随机扰动因子对已有推荐方法进行改进, 收集用户数据进行验证分析, 发现改进后的方法可以有效提升推荐系统的新颖度, 减轻用户心理抗拒, 优化用户体验。
中文关键词:电子商务  推荐方法  心理抗拒  新颖度  短视频推荐
Research on Improving the Novelty of Short Videos Recommendation Methods to Prevent User Psychological Resistance
Abstract:In order to increase user stickiness, short video platforms apply various recommendation methods to push content of “interest”to users. However, users gradually realize that the recommended content tends to be simplification, homogeneous, and lacking in novelty.The users finally find they are trapped in an information cocoon and develop psychological resistance. Taking a typical short video platform as an example, an investigation into recommendation methods and user experience is conducted to analyze the reasons behind users’ psychological resistance and identify existing problems with the platform’s recommendation methods. By introducing a random perturbation factor to improve the existing recommendation methods and collecting user data for verification and analysis, it is found that the improved methods can effectively enhance the novelty of the recommendation system, reduce users’ psychological resistance,and optimize user experience.
keywords:e-commerce  recommendation method  psychological resistance  novelty  short video recommendation
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