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夏君 上海第二工业大学党委宣传部, 上海201209 
基金项目:上海市“阳光计划” (20YG28) 资助
中文摘要:全媒体时代, “全程、全息、全员、全效” 的“四全” 特性打破了高校思想政治教育工作的思维定式, 也为大学生红色文化教育的开展带来机遇和挑战。高校要遵循全媒体环境下的信息传播规律, 从构建校内外一体化育人体 系、构筑校园媒体立体化传播格局、打造全员化育人队伍、抓实常态化育人“三个课堂” 等4 个方面着手, 不断提升红色文化传播的创新力、传播力、亲和力和影响力, 优化高校红色文化育人新生态, 提升红色文化育人实效。
中文关键词:全媒体  红色文化育人  创新路径
An Exploration on the Innovation Path on Red Culture Education ofColleges and Universities in Omnimedia Age
Abstract:In omnimedia age, the “Four Integrated Media” characteristics of “whole process, holography, full staff and full effect”not only break the thinking pattern of ideological and political education in higher education institutions, but also bring opportunities and challenges to the development of red culture education for university students. Colleges and universities should follow the law of information dissemination under the all media environment from the aspects of building an integrated education system, forming a threedimensional communication pattern, building a full-staff education team and focusing on the “three classes” of regular education. We can optimize the new ecology and improve the effectiveness in higher education institutions by continuously improving the innovation, communication, affinity and influence of the red culture education.
keywords:omnimedia  red culture education  innovation path
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