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王慧莉 上海第二工业大学外语与文化传播学院, 上海201209 
中文摘要:以格非小说《人面桃花》为例, 借助Mona Baker 的翻译建构理论, 从时空建构、文本素材的选择性采用、标示式建构、参与者的再定位4 个层面, 分析了译者莫楷对原作的翻译建构策略。文章指出, 为推动中国文化更好地走向世界, 译者结合目标受众的阅读习惯及审美期待, 创造性地重构原作叙事, 兼顾了译作的“异质性” 与“可读性”, 在新的语境中有效传递了原作的文学及文化特征。
中文关键词:《人面桃花》  小说叙事  莫楷  翻译建构策略  中国文学外译
Narrative Construction in Translation: A Deep Analysis on Mo Kai,s Translation Strategies of Peach Blossom Paradise
Abstract:Taking Mona Baker’s Narrativity as a theoretical tool, Mo Kai,s translation ideas and framing strategies of Ge Fei’s novel Ren Mian Tao Hua are discussed from the four perspectives of temporal and spatial framing, selective appropriation of textual material,framing by labelling and repositioning of participants. It is pointed that in order to promote Chinese culture to go global, the translator has creatively reframed the original work,s narrative features based on the target readers, reading habits and aesthetic expectations which helps to strike a better balance between heterogeneity and readability in his translation and transfers the original work,s culture and literary features in the new context effectively.
keywords:Ren Mian Tao Hua  narrative features  Mo Kai  translation framing theory  outward translation of Chinese literature
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