LA132 黏结剂和SWCNTs 协同改善硅碳负极的电化学性能
引用本文:张素娜,史淇森,杨超,燕溪溪,黎阳,孔令学,乔永民,王利军.LA132 黏结剂和SWCNTs 协同改善硅碳负极的电化学性能[J].上海第二工业大学(中文版),2024,41(4):359-368
摘要点击次数: 253
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张素娜 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
史淇森 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
杨超 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
燕溪溪 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
黎阳 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
孔令学 2. 迪肯大学先进材料研究院, 维多利亚3216
乔永民 3. 郴州杉杉新材料有限公司, 湖南 郴州 423400 
王利军 1. 上海第二工业大学能源与材料学院, 上海201209
基金项目:郴州 2022 年国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设省级专项 (2022sfq26) 资助
中文摘要:硅基负极由于其高容量, 被认为是下一代锂离子电池的理想候选材料。然而, 硅本征的低导电率和在循环过程中的大体积变化将不可避免地导致循环稳定性变差。将硅氧材料与石墨混合, 添加单壁碳纳米管(single-walled carbon nanotubes, SWCNTs) 得到SiO/G 复合电极并与传统的黏结剂体系进行对比, 探究LA132 黏结剂与SWCNTs之间的协同效应。SWCNTs 的引入大大提高了SiO/G 复合负极的电化学性能。当SWCNTs 添加比例为0.04% 时,SiO/G-5 表现出良好的充放电性能, 其可逆容量达到616.90 mAh/g, 并且具有良好的抗膨胀和循环稳定性, 其性能优于传统黏结剂体系。
中文关键词:锂离子电池  硅碳负极  电化学性能  极片膨胀
Synergistic Improvement of Electrochemical Performance of Silica-Graphite Anode by LA132 Binder and SWCNTs
Abstract:Silicon-based anodes, due to their high capacity, are considered ideal candidate materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. However, the intrinsic low conductivity of silicon and significant volume changes during cycling inevitably lead to poor cycle stability. The silicon oxide material was mixed with graphite and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were added to obtain a SiO/G composite electrode. Compare with traditional binder systems to explore the synergistic effect between LA132 binder and SWCNTs. The introduction of SWCNTs significantly enhances the electrochemical performance of the SiO/G composite anode. When the SWCNTs addition ratio is 0.04%, the SiO/G-5 exhibits excellent charge-discharge performance, achieving a reversible capacity of 616.90 mAh/g, along with good anti-swelling and cycle stability, which outperforms traditional binder systems.
keywords:lithium battery  silicon-graphite anode  electrical performance  electrode expansion
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