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武东 1. 安徽农业大学信息与人工智能学院, 安徽合肥230036
李琼 2. 徽商职业学院电子信息系, 安徽合肥231201 
基金项目:安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目(2023AH053108), 安徽省质量工程项目(2022zygzsj056), 安徽农业大学质量工程项目(2021auxsxxkc1) 资助
中文摘要:对两部件寿命服从Marshall-Olkin 指数分布的串联系统和并联系统的可靠度进行了贝叶斯(Bayesian,Bayes) 统计分析。在平方误差损失下, 利用混合Metropolis-吉布斯抽样法给出了系统可靠度的Bayes 估计。最后,通过模拟研究表明在串联系统和并联系统的可靠度估计中, Bayes 估计要优于极大似然估计。
中文关键词:二维指数分布  串联系统  并联系统  贝叶斯估计
Bayesian Analysis of the Dependent Component System Based on Bivariate Exponential Distribution
Abstract:A Bayesian (Bayes) procedure is presented for estimating the reliability of series system and parallel systems with two component lifetimes under Marshall-Olkin Exponential distribution. Under square error loss, Bayes estimation of the system reliability was proposed by mixed Metropolis-Gibbs sampling methods. Finally, through simulation studies, Bayes estimation for reliability of the series system and parallel systems is better than maximum likelihood estimation.
keywords:Bivariate Exponential distribution  series system  parallel system  Bayesian estimation
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